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Скачать Avid Xpress Pro 5.8.4 x32

Дата: 07.11.2009, Просмотров: 565, Автор: cool09
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 Эта новая версия подтверждает статус Avid Xpress Pro как самой мощной и недорогой монтажной среды на рынке.
   Avid Xpress Pro
предоставляет пользователям монтажную среду, обладающую
непревзойденными возможностями управления медиаданными, в том числе,
возможностью смешивать SD и HD форматы в реальном времени.

одна веская причина, почему практически все современные художественные
фильмы и телевизионные шоу, выходящие в лучшее эфирное время, были
созданы на системах Avid®: нигде более вы не найдете такую гибкость
в реализации собственных идей. Все это применимо и к Avid Xpress®
Рro, являющейся полнофункциональной монтажной средой по работе с
медиаданными в форматах HD, DV, SD и киноматериалами, которая так же
идеально подходит в качестве портативного инструмента чернового монтажа
для любой системы Avid. Реализуйте свои замыслы с Avid Xpress Рro.

Ключевые характеристики продукта
• Поддержка HD, включая HDV, DVCProHD и DNxHD; поддержка некомпрессированного SD видео с 10-битным цветом;
• Мультикамерный монтаж в реальном времени;
• Поддержка P2 и XDCAM HD;
• AVX 2 для обработки эффектов в реальном времени и 16-битного качества;
• Возможность просмотра отснятого материала в полноэкранном режиме;
• Создание DVD в один шаг;
• Поддержка Avid Mojo SDI.

is one good reason why almost all modern films and television shows
that go in prime time, were created on systems Avid ®: nowhere else
you will not find such flexibility in implementing their own ideas. All
of this applies to the Avid Xpress ® Rro HD, which is a
full-featured editing environment for working with media data formats
HD, DV, SD and footage, which is as perfect as a portable tool for
rough editing for any system of Avid. Realize your ideas with Avid
Xpress Rro HD.

Software Avid Xpress Rro HD will give you
everything you need and more: Assembly Wednesday Avid, who won an award
Academy Award ®, an unsurpassed range of features for video and
film editing, and strong support HD in the original format. Includes
new features such as DVCPRO HD editing in the original format (c
planned for future release assembly HDV); multikamerny assembly in real
time, 10-bit capture, playback, editing and effects; DV50 for
IEEE-1394, the powerful new film and 24R tools ; plug AVX ® 2 c
extended keyfreymingom and 16-bit processing plug-in effects.

The scalable architecture of real-time
HD, DV, SD and film footage - not only in one application, but also one timeline in real time
Multicam mode for simultaneous display and editing in one click data from multiple sources in any resolution, including HD
Effects Ran & Zoom in the preview mode in real time on static images
Effects of deformation of the timeline in real time
More than 115 fully customizable real-time effects
2D and 3D effects, based on the use of OpenGL
Output IEEE-1394 for the effects and video in real time
Video Acceleration and effects through the optional device Avid Mojo Digital Nonlinear Acceleratortm (Avid DNAtm)
Advanced features, ease of use
AVX 2 for extended keyfreyminga and 16-bit processing plug-in effects like Avid, and third-party manufacturers.
10 - bit video processing
DV 50 on the IEEE-1394
Integrated image stabilization in the auto-zoom.
Working with 25 and 23.976r
Support roughing standard resolutions, including 14:1 p
Mixing different compressions on a single timeline
Customizable Interface
Excellent functionality of the Project: Media Tool, consolidate and tgapssode
Professional color correction tools in real-time automatic color correction Expert Colour Correction based on Avid Symphony
The Auto Soggest allows full adjustment in one click
NaturalMatchtm ehregt can bring color in all frames to a single tone with a single click
Changing color correction on keyframe
Color Correction in three windows
Vectorscope and Waveform Monitors
Maximum comfort and compatibility
Support for Avid Digi 002 I / O, audiomikshirovanie and controller editing
Support format MXF, AAF and OMF
Ease the exchange of audio systems Digidesign ProTools
HDV * in its original format
DVCPRO Tornados in its original format
Avid DNxHD encoding and editing
DV25, DV50
Uncompressed SD c device Avid Mojo
Windows Media Tornados and SD encoding
Support MetaSync for advanced metadata management
sequencing projects and the media is compatible with other Avid
products and assembly to interact with systems Meridien and Avid Media
Composer Adrenaline
IEEE-1394 support cards, cameras and video recorders
Support for Avid Unitytm LANshare EX
Support PortServer Pro for Avid Unity Media Network
The package includes training material
Device Avid Mojo (optional)
Interface I / O DV, S-Video, composite and optional component (4:2:2)
DV codec for additional data processing - no matter what your
computer's performance, Avid Mojo will make it even faster.
Hardware scaling rough resolution provides a significant improvement in performance with uncompromising image quality
Add uncompressed graphics / animation DV25 projects in real time without compromising quality
Converting HD in real time for display on SD monitors
Connecting to a PC or laptop via a single FireWire cable
* HDV planned as a free upgrade for customers Rro Avid Xpress HD in the next version of the product
** Only Z0i and 25i
System Configuration
Software XPress Pro
Xpress Pro - software for working with video in real-time audio and
footage, which has extensible architecture and powerful professional
tools that provides opportunities for creativity. Package includes:
• Software Avid Marquee for advanced 3D graphics and animation titration.
• Digidesign AudioSuite - tools with additional audio filters
• Avid FilmMaker's Toolkit-a set of tools to work with film
• Avid FilmScribe - ensures the creation and assembly of sheets for use with film
• AutoSync - synchronizes separately captured audio and video
• Avid Dupe Detection - automatically not allowed to use is already used by staff
• Avid Script-Based Editing - editing the script - changes to the script will automatically change your timeline.
• Avid Log Exchange - is using markup (Iog files), created on other systems
• Film Effects-effects that mimic the image on the film
• Avid Ran & Zoom - panning and zooming in motion, adjustable to the next keyframe in real time with high quality
• Image Stabilization - Stabilization unwanted camera shake and automatic scaling
• Avid IIlusionFX - 29 effects plug-in Motion Blur, Melt, Fluid Morph, TimeCode

Sorenson Squeeze 3.1 Compression Suite - high-quality encoding formats
in Flash, MPEG-4, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, RealMedia and Windows Media

Whats new in 5.8.4
Fixed in v5.8.4
The following have been fixed in this release:

When loading a progressive master clip into an interlace project, you
will be prompted to perform a transcode. If you try to perform the
transcode, you will receive a message indicating the "Transcode
cannot be completed because the source contains an unsupported
resolution.” This is as designed. The editing application does
not support transcoding from progressive to interlaced material.

Previously, you might have received an error when transcoding clips
from OMF to MXF with no change in resolution. This has been fixed.
• Previously, the source timecode might have shifted when performing an edit while capture.This has been fixed.

Previously, when performing a multi resolution ingest, parameters such
as Tape name, Duration, and Tracks, might have changed. This caused
problems with transferring clips between sites and archiving. This has
been fixed.
• Previously, the Pan & Zoom effect used drive
letters when accessing the image to be used for the effect. This does
not work in a collaborative environment because the drive is only valid
on the system that created the effect. UNC paths are now used.

Previously, when logged in using a non-Administrator account, a capture
or digital cut might not have been frame accurate on the Symphony
Nitris. This has been fixed.
• Previously, HD-SDI embedded audio output might have sounded distorted on some audio devices. This has been fixed.
• Previously, HD-SDI embedded audio was not being output to the Panasonic AJ-HD1700 successfully. This has been fixed.
• Previously, when you selected Render IN to OUT, not all the effects might have been
rendered. This has been fixed.

Previously, when the editing application was indexing files, in a non
Avid Interplay environment, you would receive out of memory errors.
This has been fixed.
Fixed in v5.8.3
The following have been fixed in this release:

Sound TC was counting at 24fps as opposed to 30fps in 1080p23 projects,
causing the Sound TC information to drop out before the end of the
clip. This has been fixed.
• Effects that were nested inside a
submaster effect might have appeared as black instead of letting the
lower video layers show through. This has been fixed.

Previously after opening, closing, or saving a bin, the system might
hang. "Not responding” would appear in the title bar. This
has been fixed.
• Previously, locators placed on a title track
did not reappear after the original title media was deleted and then
title media was recreated.
• If you have problems with batch
capture accuracy for footage captured over 1394 due to undetected small
timecode breaks, enable the "Enable detection of small timecode
break” option located in the Capture Settings DV& HDV tab.
• Previously, you might have been unable to transcode 720p 50 to 1080p 25. This has been fixed.

Previously, you might have received a "Video Overrun” error
when capturing 720p or 1080p with more than 2 AES/EBU audio tracks.
This has been fixed.
• Previously, if you transferred a
sequence with a long name to AirSpace, the sequence would fail to
transfer with a "requested function is not implemented”
message. A more accurate message of "Sequence name exceeds 63
characters” now appears.
Fixed in v5.8.1
The following have been fixed in this release:

A permission problem that might have occurred depending on how you set
up your Avid Interplay user database has been fixed. For more
information, see the Avid Interplay Readme. This change only affects
editors in an Avid Interplay environment.
• The x.8.1 release
did not include a Macintosh version of the editing application. The
only fix included with this release applied to the Windows version of
the application.

System requirements:
• Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit Edition - Service Pack 2. Microsoft Vista is not supported.

System Memory: 1GB DDR2 SDRAM (2GB recommended for HD and high-stream
count SD projects: 4GB (4 x 1GB) required for HP xw8400 workstations in
Avid Unity MediaNetwork 5.0 environments
• One of the following processors: (minimum speed listed)
Xeon 2.4 GHz (single or dual core)
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz
Intel Core Duo 1.67 GHz
Pentium 4 1.8 GHz
Pentium M 1.8 GHz (mobile)
Pentium D 1.7 GHz (mobile)
• Qualified graphics card (per model, as supported by system vendors)

Qualified IEEE-1394 FireWire port (integrated or add-in card; Avid Mojo
is not supported on notebook systems with PCMCIA cards of any kind)
• 40GB or larger internal drive
• DVD-ROM or DVD + RW drive
• QuickTime 7.1 or higher; Windows Media Player 10 (with version 9.5 codecs)

Размер: 1.18 Gb
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